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Introducing the Queue

Sold Out?  Join the queue!

We have a limited amount of gift certificates available every month and some go very quickly. This used to make it difficult to get some of the more popular sellers, unless you hovered over your computer every day. Not anymore! Our new “queue” system lets you sign up for those elusive favorites. When it’s back in stock, we’ll email you and you’ll have 24 hours to claim your certificate(s).  

All you have to do is click the "Join the Queue" button on any product where it appears.

 We will email you (at your account address) when the product is available for purchase. You must login within 24 hours of receiving that email to complete your purchase or the product will be sold to the next person in the queue.

Depending on the number of gift certificates available per month and the length of the queue, it may be awhile before you hear from us - but we promise, we are holding your spot in line.

Please note that queued items become available at different times...if you are in line for more than one gift certificate you will receive separate notification as each becomes available to you. After completing checkout (or after the 24 hour window has passed) you can rejoin the queue if you want more of the same gift certificate.

Promo codes and other discount offers may be used on queue items if they are assigned during the promotional window.  Promo codes and discounts are not honored for the time you join the queue but when they are assigned for purchase.